Friday, July 23, 2010

No More Complaints

One positive of running for me, is I get to think things through. I realized today when that I just thought the whole time about how much this sucked...its too hot, I'm sore, I'm tired...whatever. It made me realize that this process while I know it is supposed to be hard, its also supposed to be fun! I should be thankful that I am able to run and just because I'm not so great at it yet...I will be.

Sasha gets so excited when we get outside and can't wait to run...she doesn't think about all the bad things...she just thinks about running and how happy she is not be stuck in her crate. I think my mind has become my crate for all the things I can't do. Well I'm done holding myself back...this time I am going to try new things and I'm going to believe in myself.

Wish me luck...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Running - Day 1

Today starts me and Sasha's new adventure. Running. Mostly to tire her out and hopefully she will stop chewing everything in site. Sasha is a 10 month old Siberian Husky, bred to run and pull. Me, I'm a 24 year old, nap loving, non-runner that has decided to do a half marathon. So today our adventure begins...

According to my training program (which I have already skipped the first two days...whoops), we are supposed to run 3 miles. It's 8pm and still over 90 degrees and super humid. I try to ditch the running, but the fiance pulled out his motivational speech so we lace and lease up and we are off.

The running itself wasn't so bad...I have been training a bit recently and this past Sunday I participated in a 5k mud run which actually was a ton of was so just really hot. I had a ton on my mind and since I will be training sans ipod, I actually sorted a lot of stuff out and finished the run feeling good mentally and physically.

We definitely have a long way to to finish my first half and Sasha to channel her energy into something productive instead of torturing our other dog.

Until tomorrow...